Raul Yzaguirre School For Success (RYSS) - Houston Coalition for the Homeless (HCH) "Three Decades of Achievement" Event [April 5, 2013]

A core group of eighth grade students attended the Houston Coalition for the Homeless (HCH) "Three Decades of Achievement" event downtown Houston, April 5, 2013. They displayed a selection of the eighth grade class Digital Art about the homeless to not only call attention to this social issue, but also celebrate their humanity. They explained their (and classmates') multifaceted project that involved Word, PowerPoint and GIMP (graphic arts software):

Advocacy Essays - PowerPoint Presentations - Digital Art

Photos and video stills are seen below of the Digital Art and students talking with the attendees at the event. They also met, and talked with the Mayor of Houston, Annise Parker. The Digital Art display was donated to the HCH for showcasing within their office area.

Photographs for manipulation downloaded from the Internet strictly for educational purposes.