Photo Documentary Projects (Other)

Buddha's Stones: A Stacking Comparison: When Chambers was living in South Korea, he traveled to the Buddhist temples on numerous occasions, and became interested in Buddhist philosophy (quotes follow). He also noticed a unique practice of stacking stones as a form of worship and asking for good fortune. He decided to document this behavior, and compare these stone formations as a study in technique, and to pay tribute to those Korean people involved with this form of religion.>>
The Great Wall: Color photographs of The Great Wall (Mu Tian Yu) near Beijing, China. These images are almost a private encounter in the sense that Chambers was alone most of the time during his trek along the ancient barrier. Chambers' students in China say, "You're not a man until you've walked the Great Wall." Chambers walked part of it, so he guesses he's 'part man'. The images are elongated for a wide-screen effect, and they are formatted as a slide show. Please allow considerable loading time.>>